Send mobile money

Learn how to send mobile money with the Xente API

Supported Mobile Money Operators

Below are the mobile money operators supported by Xente

Product Item

Mobile Mobile Operator



MTN Mobile Money



Airtel Money


Sending mobile money

You can send mobile money to MTN Mobile Money and Airtel Money in 3 easy steps

1. Verify the mobile money number

2. Initiate the transaction request

3. Listen for transaction status

Verify number

Before you send mobile money, you need to verify the number to ensure your sending money to the right recipient. You make a call like this


curl -v


Create transaction Request

Create the transaction request


curl -X POST \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "paymentProvider": "string", "productItem": "string", "amount": "string", "memo": "string", "channelId": "string", "customerId": "string", "customerPhone": "string", "customerEmail": "string", "productReference": "string", "paymentReference": "string", "type": "billpayment", "metadata": "string", "batchId": "string", "requestId": "string", "area": "string", "approvalReference": "string", "isPartOfBatch": true }'


Listen for transaction status

Transactions on Xente is asynchronous. This means that you need to listen for the final status by implimenting an Instant Payment Notification (IPN) endpoint. You can learn about Instant Payment Notifications here